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Worship Services

Both traditional and contemporary worship services are offered on Sunday mornings. A traditional service is held at 9 a.m. The contemporary service follows at 10:30 a.m. Occasionally during the year the whole congregation joins together for a combined worship service at 10:00 a.m.

The Traditional Service is held at 9 a.m. featuring liturgical worship accompanied with hymns, organ music, and parodically the Choir. If you enjoy classic Christian hymns played on the organ and a order of worship with a deeply rooted history, then join us at 9AM.  Feel free to check out our most recent Traditional Worship livestream to get a feel for the service.

The Contemporary Service is held at 10:30 a.m. featuring Christian contemporary music played by our live worship band.  If you enjoy a worship experience with Contemporary Christian music played with guitars and drums, then join us at 10:30AM. Feel free to check out our most recent Contemporary Worship livestream to get a feel for the service.


A Coffee Hour including Coffee and Pastries is held in the Fellowship Hall between the two services.  Please stay after the 9AM service or come a few minutes early to the 10:30AM service and enjoy this time of fellowship and refreshments!

A sound proof Cry Room is available in the rear of the sanctuary where parents of infants or young children can sit with their children but also still see and hear the service.



What about Communion?
Communion is offered at the 9AM service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, and at the 10:30AM service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.  Communion is also offered at both services periodically throughout the year on Holidays.

Lutherans take our Lord's words, "This is my body" to mean what they say. We believe that with the bread Christ adds His body and with the wine Christ adds His blood. We do not teach that one can find a visible part of Christ's body within the bread, or a visible drop of His blood within the wine. We speak of "true presence" as sacramental, spiritual and real-but a mystery. We also believe that in this Supper Jesus forgives our sins through faith just as He says in Matt. 26:28. Visitors who have questions concerning these beliefs should discuss their questions with the Pastor before communing.

Is Valley Affiliated with a National Church Body?
Yes. Valley Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, (LCMS). For more about the LCMS, visit

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